Of all the sweet things in life, nothing can equal that heavenly, melt in the mouth sensation of a lovingly hand-whisked piece of our all-butter fudge, handmade in the Staffordshire Moorlands since 1974. Soft and...
Of all the sweet things in life, nothing can equal that heavenly, melt in the mouth sensation of a lovingly hand-whisked piece of our all-butter fudge, handmade in the Staffordshire Moorlands since 1974. Soft and crumbly, with an incredibly rich and luxurious texture, our artisan fudge is hand cut in three irresistible flavours that include our rich and luxuriously textured Original fudge, the timeless delight of our Creamy Vanilla fudge, and our Salted Caramel fudge, with a beautifully caramelly taste and a tantalisingly sharp burst of salt.