New York Style Hot Dogs


Prep time
10 mins
Cooking time
15 mins
Serves 4
A true street cart classic in New York City, but you don’t have to travel to Big Apple to enjoy this delicious dish!
Oil for frying
4 pork sausages
4 hot dog buns
2 slices of un-smoked chopped bacon
1 large, chopped onion
To serve: Hickory Smoked Barbecue Sauce
Chunky wedges, to serve

Cooking Method

  1. Lightly oil a pan and fry off the chopped bacon and chopped onion until cooked through, approximately 2 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, heat a grill to medium-high heat and cook pork sausages until cooked through, approximately 15 minutes.

  3. Place cooked hot dogs within buns, top with the chopped bacon, onions and drizzle with Hickory Smoked Barbecue Sauce.. Serve with chunky wedges. 

Other recipes for your Hickory Smoked Barbecue Sauce

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If you don’t have any of the key Cottage Delight ingredients but love the recipe, perhaps you have one of these tasty alternatives in your kitchen cupboards instead?

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